Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Anyone who likes to travel will enjoy this article from Christoph Niemann from the New York Times Abstract City Blog!

The article is by Christoph Niemann in the Abstract City Blog on August 3, 2010.

Check it out by clicking here or read below!

Title: Red Eye!

A visual diary documenting a flight from New York to Berlin (with a layover in London).

Christoph Niemann - Red Eye
Christoph Niemann - Red Eye

Christoph Niemann - Red Eye
Christoph Niemann - Red Eye
Christoph Niemann - Red Eye
Christoph Niemann - Red Eye
Christoph Niemann - Red Eye
Christoph Niemann - Red Eye
Christoph Niemann - Red Eye
Christoph Niemann - Red Eye
Christoph Niemann - Red Eye
Christoph Niemann - Red Eye
Christoph Niemann - Red Eye
Christoph Niemann - Red Eye


jo said...

i love this. friggin hilarious.

Unknown said...

susan, did you draw all these? this is so genius!!

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